Issue 9 is live! Submission call.


We are delighted to share issue 9 of The Incubator which features Claire Savage’s interview with Lucy Caldwell, author of Multitudes.

With fiction from Jennifer Kerr, Peter Hollywood, Noel King, Disharee Bose, Doreen Duffy, Tanya Farrelly, Bernard O’Rourke, Anne Griffin, Rachel Barber, Caroline Kieran, Colin Dardis, Margaret Cahill and Tony O’Connell.

And memoirs from Phil Young, James O’Leary and Liz O’Neill.

Reviews include Wilma Kenny on Children’s Children by Jan Carson, Brian Gourley on Stephanie Conn’s The Woman on the Other Side, Sandra Coffey on Trevor Conway’s Evidence of Freewheeling, and Kelly Creighton reviews Echoes by Paula Matthews.

issue 9 cover

Print copies may be purchased from Peecho, but we like to remind readers that we do not receive funds from anyone doing so. Issue 9 and past editions can be read here, and we encourage you to download our pdfs for free.


Our submission window for issue 10 is now open and will close at the end of June. This is the only month that we seek one scene plays, and, as always, we will be looking for unpublished short stories and flash fiction. Please check our guidelines.


Please read, share and enjoy!


Warmest wishes,

The Editors


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